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How to Use Microsoft Word as a Teleprompter for your Next Zoom

This easy reformatting trick in Microsoft Word will help you present better when reading your notes during your next Zoom meeting.

00:51 — Converting a Word document for teleprompter use. 03:00 — Positioning the prompter screen for eye contact to the camera. 03:54 — Using a Microsoft Teams meeting on a phone to send the prompter screen. 04:52 — Using the Microsoft Teams web app to join a second meeting to view the prompter for in-person or remote co-presenters. Use our best teleprompter app Elite Teleprompter is a simple and smart teleprompter app that is handy to use. Elite Teleprompter is coming with both Video recorder and Audio recorder feature. This app is perfect for vlogging, making explainer videos, practicing speeches, recording self-tapes, creating video resumes, Audiobook recording,.

It’s always important to establish eye contact with your audience if you want to create a strong connection. The same is especially true when talking via Zoom and other video conferencing platforms. And the only way to do that is to stare directly at your little webcam. That can be difficult when you’re also trying to pay attention to all of those little boxes of faces on your screen.

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There’s also the reality that many of us have had to Frankenstein together more advanced work stations at home with multiple monitors, creating even more eyeline complexities.

In short, a lot of people aren’t following the best practice of looking directly at their webcams these days. If you’re even close, I think most folks on the receiving end are relatively forgiving.

Now, I’m not saying that’s okay. I’m saying that’s what I’ve seen happening. And because it’s generally become acceptable to look slightly off camera while Zooming, there’s a huge opportunity to exploit in that little space between where you should look and where your eyes are likely focusing .

Create your own Teleprompter
If you’re presenting to your Zoom audience, and you’ve got notes or perhaps a full script to read, you should position them on your screen right under your webcam to reduce the effect that you’re reading. A physical page of notes taped under your webcam can work, but I’m not talking about an analog solution. Move that Microsoft Word window up. Keep it all digital.

The closer you can get your Word doc to your webcam the better. It’s like activating your own little teleprompter. The result will be remarkably close to the appearance that you’re effortlessly talking to your audience and not reading your script. And because your audience has been conditioned to seeing others look off screen, they likely won’t notice your visual trick.


Don’t Let your Eyes Ruin your Illusion
That said, they will see you reading your notes if your Word window is still at its normal width. Your eyes will clearly be moving left to right and from line to line. (Then, the jig will be up!)

You need to make your Word window thinner… only 8-10 words across to correct the problem.

But then how are you supposed to see a complete line of your script if only part of it is now visible?


Here’s the fix:

Use Web Layout
Change the view in Word from Print Layout to Web Layout.

Once you do that, you can shrink the width of your page, and the text will automatically wrap to fit your thinner Word window.

Then, all you need to do is scroll down the page using your mouse or trackpad as you’re reading.

Congratulations, you’ve effectively created your personal teleprompter!

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How to Adjust the Default Settings
Here are the easy steps to make the change to your Word doc:

On Word’s top menu bar, click on View from the Home menu.

On the left, you’ll see Print Layout and Web Layout. Click Web Layout.

Then, click on Zoom to adjust the size of your text so you can easily read it.

That’s it!

Advanced Tip: Minimize the Ribbon
To get your notes even closer to your webcam, collapse Word’s top ribbon.
On a Mac, press Command + Option + R.
On a PC, press Control + F1.

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Another Tool for your Virtual World
Living life on Zoom during these many pandemic months has been draining for all of us. Reformatting Microsoft Word to serve as your pseudo-teleprompter is one way to make your Zoom presentations a lot easier.

Best Teleprompter App Mac

Best Teleprompter and App for iPadMake better videos with this affordable teleprompter and app solution. Teleprompter works with IOS and Android devices, but the software for reading is for IOS devices only![FREE EBOOK: Better Videos From Home !(Please note that I am not in an affiliate relationship with either of these two companies. Also, I created this video because I think these two products will be a game-changer for many!)Timeline:00:00 Intro01:15 Caddie Buddy Teleprompter features03:30 PromptSmart App features06:00 Why voice-guided app?07:50 Quick setup for Caddie Buddy08:35 PromptSmart Setup in telemprompter09:30 Smartphone mount - setup11:20 Demo read with voice-guided PromptSmart software12:30 Smartphone recording playback thru teleprompter23:00 Wrap-upAt under $160 USD, the affordably priced Caddie Buddy Teleprompter can be used for DSLRs, compact video cameras, iPhones, iPads, Android phones or any tablet. This product is well engineered, and a solidly made portable teleprompter that can be used in the field or your studio, and it mounts to any tripod in seconds. For the software, I recommend the IOS PrompSmart ($3.99) or PromptSmartPro App (14.99), that features a proprietary Voice Tracking software that will control the speed or flow of the prompter based on your live voice reading. If you pause, it pauses, if you read faster or slow down, it runs in-step with you. Well, let me tell you, the voice tracking software is a huge game-changer for me! I have tried a variety of prompter Apps in the past that don’t have any voice-tracking technology, and I have had my share of struggles in trying to keep up or slow down my talking speed to work with these one-speed flow software solutions. With this IOS PromptSmart Voice Tracking App software, you can let that timing pressure go, and present your speech in a conversational fashion and focus in the present moment, as you read your lines through the split glass reflected mirror image of the text! The text prompting moves at your pace, even if you pause/stop talking. The software works “with you” and you don’t have to adapt to a preset flow or speed. Video shows quick setup and a demo of the software.This video is not about a DIY project and a free Teleprompter solution, rather it is about an affortable high quality solution.I consider this solution, of hardware and software, with a total price that is comfortably under $200, to be a great business investment at a price that will pay for itself over-and-over again in time savings and let’s not forget about the higher quality videos that you will be producing! Heck, previous to this kind of teleprompter, you could have easily spent over $500, or even thousands on the hardware alone.Wow, the Caddie Buddy and PromptSmart combo make a great teleprompter and app solution to get rid of the memorization blues and produce videos of higher quality and much faster!In a future video, I will be providing you with specific tips on how to make your reading performance superb when using a teleprompter with an App like PromptSmart.Thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video!Best Teleprompter and App for iPadLinks:PromptSmart – voice-guided teleprompter app

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