Resistor Color Code

Reading and Determining the Resistor Value Hold the resistor with the gold or silver band to the right and read the color codes from the left to the right. Select the color codes from the bands on the resistor. Read the colors from left to right. Feb 05, 2020 Resistor color codes are something that every electronics hobbyist should remember. The old mnemonic was rather, well, disturbing, and a conscientious person would never recite it. Anyway, on with the better one! Write this down in a. Resistor Color Code Calculator. The resistor color code was developed during the year 1920. The color bands are printed on the body of tiny resistor components. Generally, for color code, we can use this resistor mnemonic called BBROY Great Britain Very Good Wife. Whereas, the beginning letter indicates a unique color.

Resistor Color Code Identification While these codes are most often associated with resistors, then can also apply to capacitors and other components. The standard color coding method for resistors uses a different color to represent each number 0 to 9: black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, white. Resistor Color Code Information The resistor color code is a long standing standard in both the electronics and electrical industries, indicating the value of resistance of a resistor. Resistance is measured in ohms and there is a foundation for it called Ohm's Law. (Want to know about Ohm's Law? If so, please click here or click here!)Each color band represents a number and the order of the.

Resistor Color Code Saying

Summary of last week's responsesResistor Color Code

Wow, lots of response to this.
Here's a summary of e-mail and news responses for the last week.

Many people mentioned the ever popular (but sexist) rape Violet mnemonic:
Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly.

optionally, you can add the tolerance bands (Gold, Silver, None):
Get Some Now
(for) Gold (or) Silver (or) Nothing.
with Green Stamps

Resistor color code

Jim Carr suggested some simple substitutions, to swap the sexes:
Bad Boys --> Brainy Babes
Girls --> Guys
Violet --> Vince (or Peter if you prefer purple)

Resistor Color Code

Here are several other replies:

Better Buy Resistors Or Your Grid Bias Voltages Go West
Better Be Right Or Your Great Big Venture Goes West.
Big Bird Runs On Your Garden But Vegetables Grow Wonderfully
By Becoming Revolutionary Orators, Young Girls Become Very Great Women

Bad Beer Rots Our Young Guts But Vodka Goes Well
Bad Booze Rots Our Young Guts But Very Good Wiskey Goes Smooth

Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls Behind Victory Garden Walls

Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Virgins Go Without
Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls, But Virgins Give Wild Sex Gratefully
Resistor Color Code Big Barstards Root Our Young Girls But Virgins Go Without.

Resistor Calculator

Batman Blow Robin On Yonder Gotham Bridge. Very Gooey Work.
Buff Babes Rip Off Your Genitals But Very Genuinely Weep
Buff Butches Reamed One Young Guy, Buggered Violently, Watchit.
B(Lack) Boys Run Over Yellow Girls Because Vary Gay W(Hite) Girls Suck

Resistor Color Code 2k

Resistor Color Code

Resistor Color Code

Zij Bracht Rozen Op Gerrits Graf Bij Vies Grijs Weer