How To Install Imovie On Mac High Sierra

Before you begin, make sure to back up your iMovie libraries, your media, and the iMovie app.

  1. How To Install Imovie On Mac High Sierra Free
  2. How To Install Imovie On High Sierra
  3. How Do I Get Imovie On My Mac High Sierra
  4. How To Install Imovie On Mac High Sierra Download

How to use imovie 09 on mac high sierra The new update is very bad, information on leght in short videos clip in the streamline are gone, exportation to Youtube is now only in low quality, very shitty. Install and run HD Converter for Mac as a MTS Video to iMovie Converter on High Sierra. The main interface appears as below: The main interface appears as below: 2.

Try these troubleshooting steps in order

After trying each step below, test iMovie again to see if you've fixed your issue.

Restart your Mac


If you use an external device with iMovie like a camera, reset NVRAM:

  1. Shut down your Mac.
  2. Disconnect all external devices other than your keyboard and your mouse.
  3. Reset NVRAM.
  4. Open iMovie and attempt to reproduce your issue.
    • If iMovie works, reconnect devices one at a time until you can reproduce your issue. Restart your Mac after reconnecting a device if the device requires it.
    • If iMovie still doesn't work, you might need to update your device's firmware or have the device serviced.

Update macOS and iMovie


Choose Apple menu  > App Store, then click Updates. If an iMovie update is available, click Update to download and install it.

Check camera and media format compatibility

Make sure you're using a camera and media format that works with iMovie. If you can't find your camera listed or need further assistance, contact the manufacturer of the device for support.

If you're using a third-party video interface with your Mac, check with the manufacturer for firmware or other software updates for your device.

Test with a new library and project

You can create a new library and test project to check if the issue is with your library, project, or iMovie app. First, create a new library:

  1. Quit iMovie.
  2. While you press and hold the Option key, click the iMovie app in the Dock or double-click the iMovie app in the Applications folder.
  3. In the Open Library window, click New to create a new library.
  4. Name the test library 'Test iMovie Library,' then save it to the Movies folder in your home folder.

Next, create the test project using a built-in trailer template, then export it as a QuickTime video file:

  1. In iMovie, click Projects to return to the Projects view.
  2. Choose File > New Trailer, click the Action trailer template, then click Create.
  3. Choose File > Share > File, click Next, name the file 'Finish Line,' then save the video file to the Desktop.

Next, import the QuickTime video file into a new project in the new library:

  1. Click projects to return to the Projects view. In the window, click OK.
  2. Choose File > New Movie.
  3. Choose File > Import Media, then click Desktop in the Import window sidebar. Select the 'Finish' file in the list, then click the Import Selected button.
  4. Select the clip in the browser, then press the E key to add the clip to the timeline.
  5. Try to recreate the issue you were having. For example, if iMovie quit when adding a transition, try to add a transition to the timeline.

If the new library and project work as expected, you've isolated the cause of your issue to the original library or project. Try to restore a previous version of the original library from a Time Machine or other backup.

How To Install Imovie On Mac High Sierra

How To Install Imovie On Mac High Sierra Free

How To Install Imovie On Mac High Sierra

Reset iMovie

Reset iMovie to default settings. Libraries won't be affected.

Reinstall iMovie


Delete iMovie, then redownload and reinstall it. Libraries won't be affected.

Still not working?

How To Install Imovie On High Sierra

Learn more

There’s no sound after imported MP4 video clips into iMovie 10.1.8 on High Sierra? Actually, the same issue has been reported while importing MTS video into iMovie 10.1.8 after updated to macOS High Sierra. This is probably a system issue or an audio codec issue. Here we explain a solution to solve MP4 audio lost issue while loading into iMovie 10.1.8.
MP4 video clips have no sound in iMovie 10.1.8 on High Sierra
“I have several MP4 videos downloaded from Facebook. They played fine without any sound issues using preview and also in QuickTime Player, but once imported to the latest iMovie 10.1.8, the MP4 clips lose sound in the middle. I’ve googled a lot for a solution, but without any luck. I’m running iMovie 10.1.8 on macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 on MacBook Pro with Retina display. Any suggestions on this?”

Try restarting your computer and opening iMovie while holding down the Option and Command keys, and then selecting to delete preferences in the box that appears.

If the above does not solve it, there may be something about the audio codec in your video clips that iMovie doesn’t like. iMovie likes MOV with Apple InterMediate Video Codec and AAC audio codec. Open your MP4 clips in HD Video Converter for Mac and it will help you export AIC/AAC .mov files for editing in iMovie smoothly.

How to encode MP4 clips to AIC .mov for solving audio lost issue in iMovie 10.1.8 on High Sierra?

Software requirement
HD Converter for Mac

How Do I Get Imovie On My Mac High Sierra

Follow these steps:
1. Install and run HD Converter for Mac as an MP4 to iMovie Converter on High Sierra. The main interface appears as below:

2. Click on ‘Add File’ to add your mp4 files into this program.

3. From the “Profile” menu, choose ‘Apple InterMediateCodec (AIC) (*.mov) as output format from ‘iMovie and Final Cut Express’ column.
Important: If you’ve loaded a number of video clips to do batch conversion, please do remember ticking off ‘Apply to All’ option before you start.

4. (Optional) Click ‘Settings’ button and go to ‘Profile Settings’ window to custom video and audio settings if necessary.

5. When ready, click ‘Convert’ to start transcoding MP4 files to AIC – the best suited editing format for use within Apple iMovie.

6. When the conversion process is complete, click ‘Open Folder’ button to get the generated AIC QuickTime files and open them in iMovie for further editing with optimum performance.

How To Install Imovie On Mac High Sierra Download

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