Fetal development period from the time of conception until birth. Gestation period for a pig is 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days (114 days) What is the approximate age of your pig? Died at birth (approx. Read PDF Fetal Pig Dissection Lab Analysis Questions Answers Biology Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Textbook, Intermediate Version, Fetal Pig Science News-letter One of the best ways for your students to succeed in their biology course is through hands-on lab experience. With its 46 lab exercises and hundreds of color.
- Fetal Pig Diagram Answers
- Fetal Pig Lab Guide Answers Pdf
- Fetal Pig Lab Guide Answers Sheet
- Fetal Pig Dissection Answer Key
- Fetal Pig Dissection Lab Key
Pig Dissection Answers - Displaying top 8 worksheets found for this concept.
Some of the worksheets for this concept are Fetal pig dissection lab, Pig dissection work answers, Fetal pig dissection lab, Fetal pig lab guide answers pdf, Pig heart dissection questions answer key, Fetal pig coloring with labeled anatomy, Pig heart dissection lab answer key, Cat dissection work answer key.
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Fetal Pig Dissection Lab
Humans and Pigs may be closer than you think! Both are mammals We share common body systems The anatomy of the pig is close to that of humans The fetal pigs will. Fetal pigs are readily available, since farmers find it profitable to breed female pigs which they plan to sell. Thus, pig fetuses are byproducts of the slaughter houses. The period of gestation is 112 to 115 days, and there are, on the average, about seven to eight offspring in a litter. At birth the pigs vary from 12 to 14 inches in length. Name: Marketa Beladova Fetal Pig Dissection Lab Answer Sheet (To Be Turned In): Please note that a number of questions have been eliminated from the lab pdf. Answer the questions directly on the word document in a different color font for ease of grading.
Pig Dissection Worksheet Answers
Fetal Pig Dissection Lab
Fetal Pig Lab Guide Answers [PDF]
Fetal Pig Diagram Answers
Pig Heart Dissection Questions Answer Key
Fetal Pig Coloring Sheets With Labeled Anatomy
Pig Heart Dissection Lab Answer Key
Cat Dissection Worksheet Answer Key
Fetal Pig Lab Guide Answers Pdf
Name:____________________________________________Date: _______
Fetal Pig Lab Guide Answers Sheet
The Student Handouts are available in these formats. You are free to modify these documents.
The student handout has questions and diagrams to label, the answer key is available at Teachers Pay Teachers for a small fee to goes toward support and maintenance of biologycorner.com
Some Things To Consider...
1. Do you have space with a sink? Pigs are a lot more involved than frogs and the preservatives will need to be drained and pigs rinsed. This is not a good dissection for classrooms that do not have sinks.
2. Have your students completed the frog dissection? The pig is more advanced, students should have a basic understanding of dissection protocols.
3. Have you ordered the right specimens? Pigs will need to be ordered from a biological supply company. If they are not injected, the circulartory system is very difficult to view. Generally, 1 pig for two students is a good match, but you could get away with 3-4 students per pig.
4. Do you have enough equipment?Goggles are required for all dissections. Latex gloves are optional, though generally preferred. Students should always wash hands even if they wore gloves. Many chemicals will seep through the latex. I have switched to nitrile gloves because it provides more of a barrier from harsh chemicals, but they are slightly more expensive.
- Photo Manual Dissection Guide of the Fetal Pig ( https://amzn.to/2EVVJc5 )
- A dissection Guide and Atlas to the Fetal Pig ( https://amzn.to/2HZEPLV )
- Placemat Dissection Guides, Fetal Pig ( https://www.wardsci.com/store/product/8872173/placemat-dissection-guides )
- Biocam's Concise Fetal Pig Chart ( https://www.enasco.com/p/BioCams-Concise-Dissection-Chart%2BSB50649 )
- Fetal Pig on Behance - free guide, print or share link with students
Fetal Pig Dissection Answer Key
Grading and Assesments
Fetal Pig Dissection Lab Key
Assessment. I take a grade on the completion of this lab guide. But as worksheets go, you do want the students to work out the answers together and ask for help when needed. Generally I use a quick and easy method to grade it. Each section is worth 5 pts. If its completed and looks mostly right, then they get the full 5 pts. Reduce pts if there are blanks or incorrect answers.
The biggest part of their grade comes from the LAB PRACTICAL. This is where pigs are set up at stations with numbered or colored tags in the structures. Students have 1 minute at each station to identify the structure and write it on their answer sheet. This is done in complete silence with no working together. Depending on the class, I may or may not allow them a word bank. Honors classes do not get a word bank usually unless I have an IEP or student that needs differentiation. The sheets below can be printed for the practical, they are numbered 1-50, though you don't need to use all of the blanks. Just make sure your practical contains enough stations to keep students busy. If you have 30 students, you can have 25 stations with questions, and 5 'rest stations' interspersed.
Also print out the Fetal pig lab guide - this just lists all of the structures they need to find with a checkbox. It makes for a good reference and study guide.
For review, point students to this page: 'The Ultimate Pig Dissection Review' which contains diagrams, gallery photos and links to practice quizzes.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.